Junk Yard

DivX Junk

DivX. What a beautiful word. DivX is a VERY compressed video format that enables you to fit an entire movie on a single CD. And yes... its better than VCD. If you can live without all the trims of DVD, then this is the way to go. DivX, however, is pretty gutsy and requires no less than a Celeron 300mhz or higher, or an AMD k6-2 400mhz or higher for reliable playback. Most DivX file extentions will be either avi, mp4, or asf. Some DivX files are ripped wierd and take more CPU than others, but for your average decent playback, the previously mentioned CPU's should be sufficient. If you haven't got a CPU that can handle DivX... then, stiff shit. Now for the goodies...

  • DivX Codec: This is the codec to allow you to play DivX's in Windows Media Player. Yes you do need it to play a DivX file. Once you've done the initial install, you need to find it on the start menu and click it again to embed the codec into Windows Media Player. You only need to do this ONCE.
  • Easy DivX: This is a DivX ripping tool. That's right... now you can rip a DVD movie into a DivX. It's pretty user friendly, needs something like 7 to 10GB of free hard drive space to rip a movie.
I think you'll find DivX very useful if you haven't already. For more info and cracks, tools, etc for DivX's... visit http://www.divx.box.sk.